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Laser weapon systems

Speaker::Sean Ross

May 31st, 2018

ITherm 2018

100kW optical : get it to exit the aircraft in a particular way

Laser source - Controller - thermal management - power management

Main challenges:

Size/weight: laser system vs the thermal management system

Operating temp- Delta T requirements - T stability

Transient behavior-planned and unplanned transients

mechanical transients - on/off - get it to stop and start

insufficient heat sink: heat sink on the aircraft is the fuel

Requirements flow and generation- givers and takers - conversation

Main solutions:

increase operating temperature of laser diode

alter architecture for greater Delta

Fuel to photons:

1% system efficiency of system

Single phase

percent of size,weight,power in integration

engine at 250C - heat sink at 100

not enough convective cooling and/or air

Raising diode operating temperature

so that heat sink can be higher too which is convenient

Passive temperature stability

reduces control requirements

maintaining a certain ∆T

or cooling a certain existing ∆T

thermal architecture to have higher ∆T

Increase Delta T

mass flow rate - cooling rate

150kW <-> gallons per time to maintain


Binning diodes

altering thermal architecture

thermally in series, same wavelength

temp to diode wavelength relation exists when manufactured

Latent heat involvement

boiling heat transfer

operating time scales of the two-phase solutions

transient types:


time interval known and rates of ramps known

gentle ramps


dynamic predictive avoidance

turn currents to diodes off to shunt the thermal transients

thermal transient:

affects bandwidth - temp excursion increases bandwidth- quality of beam

pump and valves can't match laser transients

transient mitigation:

System Engineering: upstream requirement management

Technology Readiness level:

is the tech mature enough for the overall system

Integration readiness level:

Causality analysis:

which sub-system enables what

what's the most causal

Manufacturing readiness level

Equally optimize all 3 readiness levels through iteration

be in pace for all the requirements

Evaporator: how close to the diode- transition from single to two-phase modes and the resulting system transients

Can one add heat somewhere to remove heat from somewhere else?

higher pressure and lower pressure stages in flow delivery - pressure recovery upon a certain process

Mixing valves

how to close loop in the thermal flow circuit

where to dump or does it require it

Duty cycles:


application need and

equipment performance delivery level

Laser weapon systems